Our Country

Our Country

Sudan, located in the Northeast Africa, Sudan is a country of immense diversity that fascinates and intrigues most of its visitors from anthropologists and archaeologists to historians and average travellers. It is a country that is unique and complex in its climate, politics, environment, languages, cultures, religion and ethnicities.

Sudan is the third largest country in the African continent with a total area of 1,882,000 sq km. The country has international borders with 7 states : Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Chad and Libya. The River Nile traverses the country from South to North while the Red Sea washes about 550 miles of eastern coast making Sudan a bridge between Africa and the Middle East.

The population of Sudan predominately descends from both indigenous African and Arabs groups, today most tribes in the country speak Arabic and the Arab culture predominates. Over 97% of the population of Sudan is Sunni Muslims with a small Christian minority.

Greater Khartoum
Omdurman, Khartoum, Port Sudan, Kassala, El Obeid, Nyala, Wad Medaniy
1,882,000 sq km.
Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Chad and Libya.

Federal Republic

Arabic, English and other Dialects and languages as Nobian.

Oil-Petroleum Products, Cotton, Sesame, Livestock, Groundnuts, Gum Arabic, Sugar

Independence Day – January 1, Coptic Christmas – January 7, Al-Mowlid Al Nabawi (Birth of the Prophet) – February 26, Coptic Easter – April 28, Revolution Day – June 30.

Sudan Embassy in Sweden

Stockholmsvagen 33, 18133 Lidingo Sweden (7th floor)

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 15:00 pm

Consular section working hours

Mon-Fri 10:00 am – 14:00 pm

Sudan Map

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