Sudan Climate

Sudan Climate

In Sudan, the climate is desert in the north and on the coast of the Red Sea, while its semi-desert or semi-arid in the south, which is affected by the summer monsoon. Summer temperatures often exceed 43.3 degrees Celsius (110 degrees Fahrenheit) in the desert zones, and rainfall is negligible. Dust storms frequently occur in desert zone. High temperatures also occur in the south throughout the central plains’ region, but the humidity is generally low. Winter is characterized by a sunny weather everywhere, except on the Red Sea coast, where there can be a bit of cloudiness and some showers; in the south and the east, it’s hot during the day, but generally cool at night, while in the north, it can get cold at night. By February, the temperature begins to rise across the country, and in the south, where it was already intense, it becomes scorching.

Sudan Embassy in Sweden

Stockholmsvagen 33, 18133 Lidingo Sweden (7th floor)

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 15:00 pm

Consular section working hours

Mon-Fri 10:00 am – 14:00 pm

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